Year: 2022
Location: MIlan, Italy.
Team: Miled Lahoud + Francisca López + Matías Salas
Client's "Riaprire i navigli Association" + PRIMITIVO Studio Favourite Award.
The projects aims to return the natural character that featured the landscape of Milano during the beginning of the 19th century by recuperating, not only the “navigli” but also the spaces and experiences associated to it: The greenery (2), The social encounter, and the Navigation.
The proposal can be understood as a system composed by 3 elements: A water corridor, The Piazzas (4) and the Bridges. (8-9) The former one is complemented by the idea of “Alzaia” (3) the traditional service path reinvented as a boulevard for pedestrians along the water. The Piazzas will act as stations for the embarcations and will represent the “genius loci” of each interest point. Lastly, the bridges will mend the city again.